The Importance of Contacting a Chiropractor After An Auto Accident
Published on December 18, 2023
This is the first in a series of posts on chiropractic care and auto accidents.
When someone is in an automobile accident, it’s normal to go to the emergency room to get checked out. So, once you’ve been cleared by the medical personnel, you may wonder why you should come see us at Highlands Family Chiropractic.
More Than the Eye Can See
During a crash, your body is subjected to great forces it simply wasn’t built to handle. These forces place strain and stress on your neck, shoulder, and back. This can actually cause injury to the ligaments that hold your spine together.
Being involved in an accident may cause a wide variety of injuries and pain symptoms, and symptoms may remain hidden for days, weeks, and in some cases, months after the actual accident. As part of your care, we properly identify, document, and treat your injuries to maximize your recovery physically, and provide your attorney with the necessary documentation to maximize your rightful compensation.
A Different Approach
Our chiropractors are extensively trained in biomechanics, the science that deals with the body’s movement, including how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together. This allows us to analyze the effects of your injuries at a deeper level to provide the care you need.
Some symptoms patients experience include headaches, muscle soreness, back pain, neck pain, and dizziness. Chiropractic care takes the pressure off your nervous system, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain.
If additional care is needed, Dr. Hicks is also part of a network of providers and will help manage your treatment through referrals for physical therapy, massage therapy, pain management, and surgical outcomes. This comprehensive approach to care allows you to heal as quickly and completely as possible.
Make Your Appointment Today
Don’t put off your visit to Highlands Family Chiropractic any longer. The more you wait, the greater the chance of a bigger, more painful problem in the future. Book your visit today!
Check Out Our Blog Series
For more information about auto accident care, check out our other blog posts.
- The Importance of Contacting a Chiropractor After An Auto Accident
- The 3 Phases of Healing Chiropractic Care Necessary After an Auto Accident
- Identifying the Symptoms, and Healing Whiplash Injuries After An Auto Accident
- Important Reasons to Visit Our Chiropractor After an Auto Accident
- Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Accident Care
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Schedule Your Appointment Today
Contact us today to book a free 15-minute consultation with our Chiropractor in Highlands Ranch! We look forward to getting you on the path to optimal health and wellness.